お嬢様 (ojousama) bg source
What is " Ojousama? "



25.1.12 - Entered the mobile optimization phase. Bear with me. I was checked out for the flexbox unit in webdev class.

25.1.10 - Added a guestbook and a footer. Fixed up the navbar with the help of Junebug!

25.1.9 - Put something on the 404 page.

25.1.1 - Fixed the marquee, thanks to the advice of VeraNeko! Cleaned up the source code so it's a bit more organized.

24.12.31 - Updated the to-do list, moved a little closer toward the desired look. Shrine link now leads to shrine homepage, but the actual site itself is empty. Added a marquee... I didn't say it works, though.

24.12.30 - Updated some assets, did a lot of layout tweaking to get it closer to how I like it.

24.12.1 - Added a to-do list, did some resizing to get us closer to the desired new shape

24.11.9 - I am reborn! I have moved from neocities and I'm gonna rework this whole darn thang!

To Do

  • Freshen up the nav box with a bg and some buttons
  • Add a border and some notes around the marquee
  • Decorate the home page with some pngs
  • Make the page somewhat mobile-friendly (god help me)
  • Freshen up the Blog page
  • Freshen up the Links page
  • Complete the subdomain shrine
  • Freshen up the Acknowledgements page
  • Add a kofi widget
  • Make this box into something else once the to-do list is through
  • Make the source code bearable to look at
  • Fix the marquee
  • Add a marquee
  • Resize the homepage
  • Redecorate
  • Make a shrine subdomain
  • Add a footer
  • Freshen up the guestbook

Marquee code by Koba and Electric-Tenshi. Click any stamp to be taken to its source.